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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Advisory Opinions Topics 1

Additional Compensation Prohibited

DSS 96-004 (PDF)

Highway Patrol 93-044 (PDF)

Gift Cards 2024-002

Adjutant General

Private industry support, receipt 92-98 (PDF)

Solicitation of contributions from guard members 94-016 (PDF), 2002-012 (PDF)

Use of public resources in campaign 92-55  (PDF)

Administrative, Executive & Judicial Personnel

Administrative Law Judges 95-007 (PDF)

Defined 92-102 (PDF)

Public Service Commission and the Judicial Code of Conduct 2005-002 (PDF)  

Public Service Commission, Code of Judicial Conduct and FOIA 2015-001 (PDF)

Applicability Of Ethics Reform Act

Administrative Law Judge 95-007 (PDF)

Applicability of Ethics Reform Act to DHEC functions 92-110 (PDF)

Applicability of Ethics Act to Volunteer Firemen 93-065 (PDF) 

City advisory board members, not affected 92-175 (PDF)

County forestry boards 92-168 (PDF)

Ethics Reform Act Applicability to City Agencies 92-109 (PDF)

Nonprofit trade association 94-005 (PDF)

School board created non-profit corporation 2001-001 (PDF)

Small Employer Insurer Reinsurance Program 95-008 (PDF)

Submission of measures to voters 93-50 (PDF)

Textbook advisory committee 92-163 (PDF)

Volunteer fire department 93-45 (PDF), 93-65 (PDF)

Applicability Of Ethics Reform Act

Administrative Law Judge 95-007 (PDF)

Applicability of Ethics Reform Act to DHEC functions 92-110 (PDF)

City advisory board members, not affected 92-175 (PDF)

County forestry boards 92-168 (PDF)

Nonprofit trade association 94-005 (PDF)

School board created non-profit corporation 2001-001 (PDF)

Small Employer Insurer Reinsurance Program 95-008 (PDF)

Submission of measures to voters 93-50 (PDF)

Textbook advisory committee 92-163 (PDF)

Volunteer fire department 93-45 (PDF), 93-65 (PDF)


City attorney in general sessions court 92-01 (PDF)

City attorney
    Advice beyond scope of employment 93-48 (PDF)
    Obtaining business for private law firm 93-48 (PDF)

City mayor/council member's law firms representing regulated industry 93-07 (PDF)

Contributing to Attorney General election campaign 92-19 (PDF)

County attorney in magistrate's court 92-169 (PDF)

County Attorney's Law Firm Representing Personnel Covered by  County Worker's Comp and Vehicle Insurance 92-217 (PDF)

Fees received from governmental entities, reporting on SEI’s 92-76 (PDF)

Law firm of members of defense base development commission representing developer 92-018 (PDF)

Legislative contact by S. C. Bar committee chairs or members 98-004 (PDF)

Post-employment by employee of Attorney General's Office 93-05 (PDF)

Post-employment representation before agency 92-08 (PDF), 92-62 (PDF)

School district trustee voting on matters affecting employees' spouses 92-105 (PDF)

Town land bank commission, service on 93-02  (PDF)

Ballot Measure Committee​​​​​​​

Ballot Measure Committees exempt from contribution limits 2000-003 (PDF)

Public Official Using His Office to Influence Outcome of Election 2000-008  (PDF)

Referendum and Section 8-13-1346 93-050 (PDF)

Registration requirements 92-189 (PDF)

Use of public resources to influence the outcome of an election or ballot measure 2018-003 (PDF) and 2018-004 (PDF)

Business With Which Associated​​​​​​​

Commissioner Associated with Firm Conducting Business with Commission 92-237 (PDF)

Governmental entity not a business 2009-002 (PDF)

Public official participating in a contract to a company in which he owns stock 2000-007 (PDF)

University president serving on publicly traded company board 2007-010 (PDF)

Cable Television​​​​​​​

Relationship with local officials as a regulated industry 92-106 (PDF)